Mexico: Comisión de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información del Estado de Nuevo León (COTAI)
The Comisión de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información del Estado de Nuevo León (COTAI), captures and publishes its contracts using the Open Contracts tool. COTAI publishes their data in their open data portal.
Currently, the data generated derived from the contracting procedures of the COTAI are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Contracting of Services of the State of Nuevo León and have the guideline of the internal processes of "Purchase Management and Evaluation of Providers”. The information produced does not have a system that is interoperable with OCDS, so the processes of adaptation and capture to the standard are carried out manually and will be updated on a quarterly basis. The data includes processes related to Public Tender (Licitación pública), Restricted Invitation (Invitación Restringida) and Direct Award (Adjudicación directa).
A contracting process has several stages: tendering, awarding, contracting and implementation. You can learn about the contracting stages in this tutorial.
The OCDS dataset has some quality issues to take into account, in particular:
Duplicate identifiers for each party involved in the contracting process.
The data includes additional fields that must be documented in a local extension.
Release tags do not reflect the sections that are provided in each release.
Last reviewed: Jan 2022
Access data
This OCDS dataset is available for download in JSON, Excel or CSV format. You can download the data for contracting processes in a specific year or for all time.
Each contracting process is represented as one line of JSON text in the .jsonl file.
The .jsonl file is compressed using Gzip. Windows users need 7-Zip, WinRAR or WinZip to decompress the .gz file.