Contracts Finder is used by all non-devolved public sector contracting authorities to publish information about contracts over certain thresholds (£10,000 in Central Government and £25,000 in the wider public sector and the NHS). It is also used by Public Sector Contractors to advertise opportunities in their supply chains.
Under regulations 106,108, 110 and 112 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCRs 2015); Contracting authorities must ensure that any procurement opportunities and contract awards above the thresholds are published on Contracts Finder.
copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information;
adapt the Information;
exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application.
You must (where you do any of the above):
acknowledge the source of the information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and,
A contracting process has several stages: tendering, awarding, contracting and implementation. You can learn about the contracting stages in this tutorial.
The dataset has quality issues to take into account, notably:
A minority of suppliers are assigned the same identifier. If an award has multiple suppliers, this error causes only one supplier to be retained in the data.
Some releases contain non-UTF-8 characters which we replaced as part of the data processing
Important fields are sometimes empty, like supplier names.
A minority of date fields are unrealistic. Fields affected include awards/date, planning/budget/budgetBreakdown/period/startDate, planning/budget/budgetBreakdown/period/endDate, tender/contractPeriod/startDate and tender/contractPeriod/endDate.
Document format is recorded as a document type in a minority of releases.
Some document URI’s are invalid and point to addresses that are only resolvable to internal users.
Last reviewed: Nov 2022
Access data
This OCDS dataset is available for download in JSON, Excel or CSV format. You can download the data for contracting processes in a specific year or for all time.
Each contracting process is represented as one line of JSON text in the .jsonl file.
The .jsonl file is compressed using Gzip. Windows users need 7-Zip, WinRAR or WinZip to decompress the .gz file.