All public bodies in Paraguay, from the national to local levels, including all government branches and state-owned enterprises, are required to use the SIAF for tracking their financial information derived from the administration of the resources assigned to them, as described in the state financial administration law. The SIAF system is composed of a budget, investment, treasury, credit and public debt, accounting and control system. The OCDS publication includes information about the budget and accounting systems from the contracting process published by the National Directorate of Public Procurement (DNCP).
Conditions of use and/or transformation of information or data:
The use license will be valid as long as the user complies with the following conditions:
Cite the public source that provided the information or data object of the use and/or transformation; and that the content is governed by this license.
Cite the date of the last update of the information or data object of use and/or transformation, as long as this is known.
Do not use public information or open public data in a way that suggests or simulates an official or sponsored use by the Paraguayan State.
A contracting process has several stages: tendering, awarding, contracting and implementation. You can learn about the contracting stages in this tutorial.
The dataset has quality issues to take into account, notably:
Release date: all releases share the same date field so it is not possible to tell how up-to-date the data is.
There are some duplicated objects in their contracts/implementation/finantialObligations array extension
Last reviewed: Sep 2018
Access data
This OCDS dataset is available for download in JSON, Excel or CSV format. You can download the data for contracting processes in a specific year or for all time.
Each contracting process is represented as one line of JSON text in the .jsonl file.
The .jsonl file is compressed using Gzip. Windows users need 7-Zip, WinRAR or WinZip to decompress the .gz file.